Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Old School???
I firmly believe that kids enjoy toys that don't make noise more than the toys that do. In fact, I see my kids playing with matchbox cars, wooden trains, puzzles, dolls and stuffed animals much more often and for longer periods of time than any of their flashing/beeping/singing/jumping/shaking toys. I think that my kids imaginations are stimulated much more when they are making up the stories as they go. I am even a big fan of Leap Frog toys, but even those guide and limit the imaginations!
I also am making more foods and snacks from scratch. Not only is it a big money saver, its more nutritious and natural. Our bodies weren't made to process preservatives!
Of course, I use cloth diapers and wipes. I bought several dozen cloth napkins from garage sales and I made my own dryer sheets! I even cut my paper towel consumption immensely. I use rags for everything!
I do, obviously enjoy technology. I have my snazzy new phone and high speed Internet and Netflix. But I also don't have caller ID or call waiting on my land line, and, I don't have cable. That's right, I get to choose from 4 channels. You know what, it does cut down my couch potato time, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I'm definitely trying to live life outside of the box, whether it be the cable box, the caller ID box or the Hamburger Helper box.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sleep Deprivation...
My baby has slept through the night exactly 1 week out of the past 25. She's either staying up until 1am (or later) or waking up every 3 or 4 hours to eat.
Its amazing what sleep deprivation does to the mind. I'm always cold. I want to eat everything. I have no self-motivation or self-control. I have huge circles under my eyes. I have headaches all day.
And the worst...I feel like "nobody likes me, everybody hates me..." lately. I'm turning into a whiny, needy person and I hate that!
I am usually a rock. Independent, self-sufficient, resourceful. Not any more.
I need sleep!!!
I'm totally taking naps whenever I can to build up my energy level. I'm starting 5-Factor Fitness today.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Is Anyone Else Sick and Tired of Lip Service from Politicians?
I am sick and tired of hearing about promises from Mr. Change and the Maverick. It is time, here and now, to get some people into office who actually WANT to and WILL advocate for the American people. There are too many politicians who only say and, occasionally do things that are beneficial for their political careers. We need REAL change and we need it now.
- Why do we have troops all over the world when we can't keep our own country's head above water?
- Why are we spending all kinds of money on other countries when our national deficit is increasing to unfathomable amounts?
- Why is it cheaper to buy goods made in other countries than it is to buy American made goods?
- Why are our jobs being outsourced?
- Why are our farmers being paid to NOT plant and harvest?
- Why are we importing crops and meat from other countries?
- Why are we so dependent on foreign oil when we have untapped resources at our disposal?
- Why have companies been paid, in the past, to NOT develop vehicles/engines that are not run on oil and gas?
- Why are women who can't afford to provide for their children rewarded for producing more children that they can't afford?
- Why, up until very recently, has Michigan been in a one-state recession?
- Why, when we are in the middle of this recession, are our income taxes and sales taxes projected to be increased?
- Why is there such debate over teaching abstinence in schools if there are so many teen pregnancies?
- Why aren't politicians held accountable for their campaign promises?
- Why are senators and representatives voting themselves raises and trying to pass tax increases in the same breath?
- Why won't I receive a dime of the social security I've contributed to for the last 12 years?
I am sick and tired of Jennifer Granholm. Yes, I voted for her the first term. She had wonderful ideas and things to say. Problem is, she hasn't transformed any of her ideas into reality. We Michiganders are NO better off now than we were 8 years ago.
I am also sick and tired of George W. Bush. Yes, I voted for him for both terms. Yes, I think he did an excellent job the first four years. These past four years, though, he's been nothing better than a puppet.
We need change! Real change. Americans need true advocates who actually get things done!
As my husband says, "We should have Donald Trump for president and Dave Ramsey in charge of the budget." Get someone into office who actually knows how to run a business and can make quick, accurate, effective decisions. Get someone in charge of the budget who won't allow extravagant expenses in the face of trillions of dollars in debt.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Is Second Choice the First Loser?
So, why is it that I am always an after-thought?
Brother's wedding? I was the M.C., and I didn't receive my duties until less than 18 hours prior to the ceremony. Guess what I was doing instead of sleeping the night before the big day? Prepping and setting up my stuff for the wedding and for the kids to participate in the wedding.
Wedding shower? I offered to help. Was told emphatically NO, my help was not needed. Then Sister-In-Law's sister (MOH) calls me 2 weeks before the shower and asks me to go shopping with her. We're shopping and I find out by accident that yes, I am indeed helping with hosting the shower and this is how much money I need to pitch in. Right now. I was totally unprepared!
Baby shower? I contacted S-I-L's sister 6 months before baby's due date to let her know I wanted to help with the shower. I heard nothing from her until 4 months later, when I contacted her again, wondering what I could do to help. Again, I was told that NO, my help was not needed. He's my nephew too!
Nephew's Baptism? I offered my services as Godparent. We go to the same church and I watch him 30-40 hours per week. I found out the day before the baptism that Sister-in-Law's sister had won out over me. Granted, I had figured out by that time that it wasn't me, but nobody had the courtesy to tell me, "No thanks. We've chosen XXXXX instead." It's not like they never see me! I guess I'm only good for changing dirty diapers. I even offered to help with the little gathering afterward. Nope, they didn't need any help, they were going to do it all themselves. I respect that, but why were the other sisters bringing food and helping with set-up?
Cousin's Wedding? I was chosen to be Bridesmaid #2 because Groom couldn't decide between his two closest friends to be his only attendant. He chose them both, and I got asked by default.
Play dates? My Sister-in-Law (not the above-mentioned) used to watch my children for me 3 days a week until Daughter #2 was born. My daughter #1 and her daughter #4 are VERY good friends and love to play together. SHE insisted that we get together once per week to let the girls play. After this week they will have gotten together 3 times in 24 weeks. Each time at my insistence and with my persistence.
Sleepovers? The same S-I-L's 4 kids came over in the summer to "camp" out in our backyard. B-I-L dropped the kids off. I offered to bring them home, but she insisted that it would be just as easy to make the trip out and pick them up. Now, with the play date this week, she wants to come pick up Daughter #1. Why is it OK for her to drive my kids, but not for me to drive hers?
Church Activities? I offered to help with a main position with Children's Church. They choose someone else to be at the helm every time its my turn to serve. Usually the person "in charge" is a newer member. I guess being a member for 18 years isn't long enough? I also signed up to sing in the choir several times. Each sign-up was ignored.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just whining. I'm just frustrated because I actually have some time now where I can pitch in and help and I keep getting overlooked. I guess the best I can do is to keep offering to help.
The worst they can say is no.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Don't Let Me Loose In a Bookstore!!!
Books I Am Currently Reading
The Hollow by Nora Roberts
Serve God, Save the Planet by J. Matthew Sleeth, MD
The Shack by William P. Young
Books "On Deck"
Skinny Dip by Carl Hiassen
The One Year Bible, NLT
Lost New York by Nathan Silver
Dog Training for Dummies by Jack and Wendy Volhard
Dog Tricks for Dummies by Sarah Hodgson
Wow...My "On Deck" pile is getting a bit small.
Books I'd Like to Read Soon
Squeaky Green by Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan
Paper or Plastic by Daniel Imhoff and Roberto Carra
The Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts
Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich
Kill Chain by Meg Gardiner
Cross Country by James Patterson
6th Target by James Patterson
...In Death Series by J.D.Robb
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I HATE Forwards, Chain Mail and Phishing Email!
Forward this message to 15 people within 60 seconds and you'll have a pleasant surprise at 2:38 tomorrow afternoon. What if the recipient has dial-up internet and it takes more than 60 seconds for the stupid email to load? Aren't you just cursing your friends at that point? What if they're a slow reader? What if, at the precise second the message loaded the dog throws up and the cat gets out and the kid spills glue everywhere? Do you take care of the email first to get your prize?
If you believe in God, you'd better forward this email to everyone you know. I believe in God. I don't believe that he really wants me sending chain emails to everyone. How about doing actual good deeds and sharing the Word with people in person?
Poor Sally Sue is living in Timbuktu. She has a terrible illness that nobody has ever heard of. Please reply with your name, social security number, bank account number, etc....and make a donation to help little Sally Sue. Seriously? Why would anyone send their personal information to anyone via email? STUPID!
Mr. Smith, a wealthy man who lives in Belgium just died and wants to give you his money. Please reply with your name, social security number, bank account number, etc...and we'll make sure you get your share. Again...Seriously? Why would anyone send their personal information to anyone via email? STUPID!
Microsoft has a new email tracking program. You will earn alot of money when you send this to everyone you know. And you know this is true, since someone knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone else who made $20,000 from doing this.
Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: fwd: FWD: Fwd: PPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE RRRREEEEAAAADDD!!!! With well over 100 email adresses to scroll through before the ever-so-important message even begins. You're such a great friend for violating everyone else's privacy with your stupid forwarded messages! Ever hear of BCC? Use it!
You want to know the truth?
How about tips on doing it right?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Having Trouble Keeping Track of Your (and Everyone Else's) Appointments?
It took me about 90 minutes to enter well over 100 appointments. Not too shabby!
What are you waiting for? Click here to go check it out!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I Think I'm Becoming a Tree Hugger...and a Penny Pincher
We had already done things like getting rid of the extras - cable, extra stuff on our phones, using cold water in the laundry, etc. Then I read 2 books about frugality: Miserly Moms, which is pretty good; and The Complete Tightwad Gazette, which is a little old (pretty much ignore anything she says about computers, the rest is like gold), but VERY good. That's when I started to realize how I wasteful I really was. I realized that anything that you use only once - dryer sheets, napkins, paper plates and cups, plastic silverware, paper towels, diapers, wipes, etc. - and throw away is like throwing away money. It is also SO bad for the environment. These things are taking up space in landfills and they take so many natural resources to produce:
- The average family washes about 8 loads of laundry per week. Dryer sheets cost $3 per box of 80, average. Yeah, that's only $14 per year, but chances are, you'll be doing laundry for the better part of at least 50 years. That's $700 that you're throwing away in your adult lifetime!
- The average family uses about 40 paper napkins per week. Napkins cost $3 per pack of 120, average. Yeah, that's only $50 per year, but chances are, you'll be eating for the better part of at least 50 years. That's $2,500 that you're throwing away in your adult lifetime!
- The average baby uses about 6,000 disposable diapers from birth to age 3. Disposables cost 32¢ per diaper, average. That's $1,920 in diapers for 1 kid! You can get into cloth diapers and wipes for $300, for the basics, to $800, for all the cutsies and extras. I spent $500 to get my baby into cloth and my toddler into trainers.
It is cheaper and healthier to make almost any convenience food that you can find:
- Love those baby-cut carrots and other pre-cut veggies and fruits? They cost 1.5 to 2 times as much (or more!) than if you buy them and cut them yourself!
- Lunchable can be as cheap as $2. You can make your own for less than half the cost. You can also control the quality and nutrition when you make your own.
- Baby food is another convenience food trap. You think that you NEED it to feed your baby. Doesn't it make you a little nervous that baby food has a 2 year shelf life?
- What about all the extra packaging that you are paying for and using when you buy those 100 calorie packs? Pre-made baby bottles? Individual pudding, applesauce and jello? Water bottles? Where does that go?
The thing we all need to realize is what and where 'away' is. When we throw stuff 'away' it doesn't just disappear. It goes to the landfills. I've got news for you...those landfills are getting full. I watched the Bonnie Hunt Show this week with 2 guys who made a raft from 15,000 plastic water bottles and sailed from California to Hawaii to raise awareness about the harm plastic is causing in our environment. Check out this website and see what you can do to reduce or eliminate the amount of plastics YOU use.
"The earth is our ship, an ark for everything that lives. It is the only vessel available to carry humans through the ocean of space, and it is rapidly becoming unseaworthy." ~ Serve God, Save the Planet, J. Matthew Sleeth, MD
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So...I Switched Cell Phones
So...I switched. After MANY hours of research and indecision, I chose the Samsung Access A827. Let me just say that it is incredibly challenging to find a cell phone when you really don't want a whole lot on it. This phone is cool, though. It's a bar phone, which I haven't had one of those in ages. It has a pretty good battery, decent ring tones, blue tooth, multi-task (nice!), a decent camera with some pretty cool options, video camera with video share, a great screen that you could watch TV on and it came with earphones to plug in so you can do hands free or multitask while on a call.
I've had it only a few days and am still learning about all the features. So far, I love it! In this case, you get what you pay for and I'm glad I paid for a little bit nicer phone!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Intelligent Adults Do the Stupidest Things...
And...My personal (current) favorite: A woman who gets into a relationship with a guy who says he's sterile but she ends up pregnant less than a month into the relationship. Then she decides that she wants to marry him 6 weeks after the baby is born. I'm all for getting married before having children, but the baby is already here! If you're going to marry the guy after the baby is born, at least wait till the postpartum bleeding is done! Somehow I am stuck all up in the middle of this mess. They're living in his parents' house, but paying rent on her apartment. She's taking the one week old baby out and about already. But, apparently, I have no idea what being pregnant, going through labor, having issues breastfeeding or planning a wedding feels like. I only have had 4 pregnancies and 3 kids to show for it. What the heck do I know?!?
Now, I've become the 2nd bridesmaid, by default. I have to meet with bride and maid of honor this week. By the way, the maid of honor MUST meet me in person because she is SO shy that she can't even send e-mails to people that she has never met before. Are you kidding me!?! Bride tells me that I should come with ideas for dresses, but nothing expensive because MOH can't afford it. The wedding budget itself is $300, why would I possibly want to spend more than $50 on a dress? We would look more dressy than the bride!
Whatever...I've got 2 kids I'm bringing with me. SHE has absolutely NO clue what it takes to get 1 kid ready and dropped off at school and 2 other kids ready and make a car trip that is an hour each way.
Their relationship is on rocky ground anyways. Any dress I buy is going to have the tags left on till the "Big Day".
I digress.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I Will Never Forget...

I had just gotten married in the beginning of August, 2001. Two days after we returned from our honeymoon, my husband's grandfather passed away. And less than a month later, 4 airplanes were hi-jacked and plowed into 3 buildings and a hill. That's a lot of drama for 6 weeks time.
I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news. I was numb for the rest of the day, and for several days following. My heart ached for all those people who's loved ones never made it home...from work, their trips, etc.

It was pure evil.
So, how do we handle this tragedy, all these years later. I can't imagine that it helps the healing process to have to relive the attacks every year. So, how do we get closure without forgetting what was done on that terrible day? How do we honor those lost without re-opening the survivors' wounds? The best answer I can come up with is to pray. Pray for those souls that were lost. Pray for their families, trying to pick up the pieces. Pray for those who were injured. Pray that we might forgive those awful acts, but NEVER forget them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I (Finally!) Got a Day Off Today!!!
I still get up at 6 or 7 each morning.
I still go to bed no earlier than midnight every night.
I still deal with temper tantrums and feigned deafness all day (although, its from my 6 and 3 year old, not 16-40 year olds...).
I still can't get stuff done - although I am getting closer!
Despite the few similarities with my previous status as working mother, I LOVE being a SAHM! Working 8 days a week does take its toll, so I definitely appreciated today.
Anyway, my wonderful husband gave me a day off. I went to my step-sister's house to do some canning. Of course, I had to bring the baby - she's breastfed. But, my wonderful husband took oldest son to school and took oldest daughter and nephew (whom I watch 3 days a week) and ran some errands. I got home just in time to pick up son and for nephew to get picked up to go home.
It was a great day! And...I'll be in bed by 10:30, provided my colicky, teething baby doesn't decide to wake up (knock on wood!)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What a Weekend!
We took our oldest and a friend to Chuck E. Cheese's for some pizza, games and cupcakes - very informal. We did have a great time, but if you've ever been to CEC, it just tires you out being there. There's the constant "I need more tokens!", "Can you help me win this game or that...", "I want the Smarties for my 50 tickets, not the plastic spider ring...". Overall, we had a fun day.
Then I got home and found out that my cousin was in labor. She wanted me (and about 10 other people - literally) to be there with her. I have my own breastfed baby (5 months old) and wasn't necessarily too keen on spending the entire night in the hospital watching her sweat, contract and Lamaze - in shifts with the others. So, I called her room to see if she did, in fact need me by her side...If the other 10 people were there, I certainly didn't need to be! Lucky for me, they didn't answer the phone. And there were enough attendants in the room with her - she was definitely was not alone.
Saturday morning rolls around. My brother asks me to watch my nephew while he goes to a college football game, no big deal. I have a house to clean for the family party on Saturday. He's a good baby, and there's not tons to do...Enter, my husband. He and his mother went tomato picking earlier in the week and brought home 1.5 bushels, which just happened to be ripe enough to can Saturday morning. My wonderful husband gets up late and then decides to go to the store to go get cans. He comes back and starts peeling all these tomatoes less than 2 hours before he has to leave for work. Yep, you guessed it...I am stuck taking 2 hours out of my day to peel tomatoes. Then my cousin's boyfriend/baby daddy calls and says baby is here, mommy is depressed (lots of family drama and her all-natural birth plan totally went out the window), could I please come visit today. OK. Brother comes to pick up son. I drop kids off at mother-in-law's. Off to Meijer to buy a gift. And off to the hospital. Baby is adorable. I hang out for an hour, pick up the kids and go home. Of course, I get home just in time to get oldest 2 kids in bed and for baby's nightly colic and teething pain to start. I got her to bed at 11, 11:30, midnight and at 1. Finally, I my chance to get the food ready for today's party. I made ham and turkey wraps, a fruit salad and decorated the cake. I was done and ready for bed at 3. That's when baby girl wakes up, hungry. She'd given up the middle of the night feedings when she was 7 weeks old and decided to start them up again at 4.5 months. No thank you! I fell asleep nursing and my wonderful husband fell into bed around 5am.
9am Sunday rolls around, way too soon. We were supposed to be at church at 9:45, that ain't happening. Husband is exhausted, its the first day of Sunday school and I have nursery duty. So, I load up baby and head to church while husband and oldest 2 kids stays home to finish clean-up and final party preparations. The party time comes and so does my father, whom I haven't spoken to in over a year. (Long story, he's related to the same drama that is related to my now postpartum cousin). It was OK. I was a little cautious, but it was a step in the right direction. Then husband's dad shows up about 30 minutes later. He makes it to very few family functions. We had a great day. The party ends just in time for us to pop in a DVD (aka nap time for Mom and Dad - literally). The movie gets done, we have a bite to eat, get the backpack packed and...
Its time to get the oldest 2 kids in bed and for baby's nightly colic and teething pain to start.
Good night.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My new Cell Phone...Is it a Keeper?
I had a V3 Razor, which totally crapped out on me. Then, my husband found a LG MP3 type phone for me on Craiglist. I never used the MP3 and it had a very short battery life. Yesterday, he went to the AT&T store to get his phone replaced and he picked up a phone for me - a Sony Ericsson Z750A. It is a phone that fits what I need, but it has a few cosmetic flaws that I can't decide if I can live with. 1.) It's pink. Which is fine and girly and feminine, except for the fact that it's pink. The casing is pink, the lights behind the buttons are pink, the wallpaper and menus are pink. It's REALLY pink. Ever since my stint in Mary Kay, I can not stand pink accessories! 2.) It has that shiny, mirror-like metallic casing on the front that shows fingerprints and smudges from a mile away and doesn't wipe clean easily at all. 3.) The casing on the back is plastic that makes it feel like a toy.
Maybe I'll like the purple one better...