Monday, September 29, 2008

Sleep Deprivation...

Sleep deprivation? I thought the newborn phase was supposed to be over by 6 weeks. I thought babies were supposed to be sleeping through the night by 3 or 4 months old.

My baby has slept through the night exactly 1 week out of the past 25. She's either staying up until 1am (or later) or waking up every 3 or 4 hours to eat.

Its amazing what sleep deprivation does to the mind. I'm always cold. I want to eat everything. I have no self-motivation or self-control. I have huge circles under my eyes. I have headaches all day.

And the worst...I feel like "nobody likes me, everybody hates me..." lately. I'm turning into a whiny, needy person and I hate that!

I am usually a rock. Independent, self-sufficient, resourceful. Not any more.

I need sleep!!!

I'm totally taking naps whenever I can to build up my energy level. I'm starting 5-Factor Fitness today.


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