I am sick and tired of hearing about promises from Mr. Change and the Maverick. It is time, here and now, to get some people into office who actually WANT to and WILL advocate for the American people. There are too many politicians who only say and, occasionally do things that are beneficial for their political careers. We need REAL change and we need it now.
- Why do we have troops all over the world when we can't keep our own country's head above water?
- Why are we spending all kinds of money on other countries when our national deficit is increasing to unfathomable amounts?
- Why is it cheaper to buy goods made in other countries than it is to buy American made goods?
- Why are our jobs being outsourced?
- Why are our farmers being paid to NOT plant and harvest?
- Why are we importing crops and meat from other countries?
- Why are we so dependent on foreign oil when we have untapped resources at our disposal?
- Why have companies been paid, in the past, to NOT develop vehicles/engines that are not run on oil and gas?
- Why are women who can't afford to provide for their children rewarded for producing more children that they can't afford?
- Why, up until very recently, has Michigan been in a one-state recession?
- Why, when we are in the middle of this recession, are our income taxes and sales taxes projected to be increased?
- Why is there such debate over teaching abstinence in schools if there are so many teen pregnancies?
- Why aren't politicians held accountable for their campaign promises?
- Why are senators and representatives voting themselves raises and trying to pass tax increases in the same breath?
- Why won't I receive a dime of the social security I've contributed to for the last 12 years?
I am sick and tired of Jennifer Granholm. Yes, I voted for her the first term. She had wonderful ideas and things to say. Problem is, she hasn't transformed any of her ideas into reality. We Michiganders are NO better off now than we were 8 years ago.
I am also sick and tired of George W. Bush. Yes, I voted for him for both terms. Yes, I think he did an excellent job the first four years. These past four years, though, he's been nothing better than a puppet.
We need change! Real change. Americans need true advocates who actually get things done!
As my husband says, "We should have Donald Trump for president and Dave Ramsey in charge of the budget." Get someone into office who actually knows how to run a business and can make quick, accurate, effective decisions. Get someone in charge of the budget who won't allow extravagant expenses in the face of trillions of dollars in debt.
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