Sunday, November 16, 2008

Financial Peace - I'm Ready to be Weird!

My husband and I are getting ready to re-start Financial Peace baby steps. We recently paid off many, many thousands of dollars in debt and only have about $4,000 left! Problem is, the end is in sight and we are slacking off a bit.

I kind of gave myself, and him, a kick in the pants when I started mapping out all the things that we want to do within the next 10-15 years. I realized that we need to kick it into gear if we ever want to have these amazing experiences:
  • Go to Disney World twice - next winter and when our youngest is 5 (probably in 6 years).
  • Go to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary - in 2011.
  • Buy a new, somewhat larger, house within the next 5 years.
  • Go to Europe for our 25th anniversary.
  • Pay for 4(?) college educations.

And of course, save up a nice chunk of cash for retirement. I really want to be those people who live VERY modestly now and just have tons of money in savings for the emergencies and the fun. That means that WE NEED TO QUIT PISSING OUR MONEY AWAY NOW!!!

So, I hauled out the dusty Financial Peace planner, erased all my marks from before and we're back at it. One chapter per week, until we're done.

This week's goals:

  • Spiritual - Pray EVERY day for help with finances.
  • Relational - Continue to work on Boy Scout Activities and have at least one nice meal per week, all together.
  • Physical - Exercise 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week - taking Wednesdays and Sundays off.
  • Mental - Finish reading Financial Peace, chapter 2 by next Saturday 11/22/2008.

I really want this! We have been paying for our credit mistakes for the past 10 years and I am sick of having debt hanging over my head!

So, in the words of the awesome Dave Ramsey, "Call me weird - Just don't call me broke!"

I'm ready to be weird!

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